Tuesday, July 21, 2009

I am no good at this

Dear all,
A word of warning...

Writing is not my greatest strength. I find it painful even when writing for a small audience comprised of my close family and friends. Writing and biking are two activities that cause me stress and anxiety and make me feel weak; however, pain helps us grow and makes us strong and writing this blog along with riding a bike (my primary source of transportation for the next two years) are two of the many painful and challenging activities that I will face during my Peace Corps service in Senegal. Perhaps the difficulty of other hurdles during this time will lessen the severity of the pain I feel while both biking and blogging. Perhaps these two B's will become enjoyable means of escape for me? Or perhaps I will do each of them, even when reluctant, because in the long run I would regret having not. In reality I want to document my Peace Corps journey for my friends, my family and myself...and if it is a little painful at times than just like with biking, I need to suck it up, cause I'm not going to get anywhere if I don't.

1 comment:

  1. so i just found your blog, finally. how about you ended up being so poetically poignant in this blog entry? "i'm not going to get anywhere if i don't"?? you are a master of words, ms. mcclintick!!!
